Skifari – 2013 GoldCoast, Qld 12:26 pm

The Skifari events was held over the Melbourne Cup weekend 2013.

The event, which has run for many years, was held from a Gold Coast base with day trips to various locations.

This included the Gold Coast Broadwater, Moreton Bay, Tweed River, Brisbane River by night, NSW and Pumecestone Passage.

Jet Skiers traveled from all over the Eastern side of Australia including Vic, Act, NSW & Qld.

A great time was had by all. Old friends caught up and new friendships were formed. All of us with one thing in common, our absolute love of our Jet Skis and riding them everywhere!


More photos and commentary can be found on the Jet Ski Club here.


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Video 2 from the Sunday ride to Breakfast on South Stradbroke Island


The following bonus video has been kindly shared by DallowTube productions


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