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AJSA ‘LIVIN’ Pirate Ride 2018 9:56 am

This year the AJSA held their annual fundraiser with ‘LIVIN’ – It ain’t weak to speak.

After many unforeseeable issues with permitting. insurance and a venue that crashed 5 days out from the event! the cards were stacked against us

But as all the Jet Skiers are renowned at doing – none

Australian Jet Ski Association – 2018 AGM 3:45 pm

The Australian Jet Ski Association held its AGM by the water at Manly. Needless to say this was a good enough reason for us all to go for an awesome ride first 

Join us for the next one. Visit Jet Ski Club for more details

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2 Banger sesh on the Goldie 3:18 pm

2 Banger sesh on the Goldie. Followed by an awesome breakky. Is there a better way to enjoy a Saturday 

All the ride details are on Jet Ski Club 

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Jet Ski Club – Peel Island Picnic. Feb 2017 3:47 pm

A spectacular day in Queensland made for one of those ever memorable Jet Ski rides!

For all of the photos and chatter go to Jet Ski Club 



JetSki Club – North Stradbroke Island Ride – June 2016 10:11 am

We set off in beautiful conditions to what unfolded as a magnificent day out on the water!

Read more with all the photos here: 

Stay up to date with all the rides. Download the Jet Ski Club App here

Jet Ski Racing – Queensland Titles 8th May 2016 7:41 am

A fantastic crowd turned up for the 2016 Queensland Titles held at Pelican Park, Redcliffe.

There were many enthusiastic newbies giving it a go and the best Skis in the country were unreal to watch.

Australia’s best up and coming racer, Bailey Cunningham put in a back to back effort having competed

Ride to Tangalooma from the Gold Coast – April 2016 7:32 am

What an awesome day we had!

Jet Skis came from everywhere to meet for a wonderful Picnic and to do some diving at the Tangalooma wrecks.

For all the photos and commentary go to the Jet Ski Club

Easter Social Ride 2016 1:23 pm

We  left from the Paradise Point Boat ramp at the Gold Coast and it was a sight to be seen with all the Skis on such a beautiful day.

Many others joined us along the way and our original planned destination was reached in a very short time. A vote was

Jet Ski Club – North Stradbroke Ride – Dec 2015 7:04 pm

Jet Ski Club – North Stradbroke Ride – Dec 2015

We left from the Gold Coast and traveled along the inland waterways to Moreton Bay. After some fun a;long the way we had lunch at the Little Ships Club

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2015 Jet Ski Club Anzac Day Dawn Service & Ride 9:38 am

OMG What a perfect day on the water!
The early start was well worth it as we were treated to an unbelievably realistic re-enectment of ANZAC Cove on the Tweed River
In darkness we could see the boats coming ashore with water exploding all around them and gunfire, bombs and the sound

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