Jet Ski Pirates Picnic 2017 3:47 pm

Ahoy there Jet skiers of Queensland!

All be summoned t’ Horseshoe Bay on Peel Island – Sunday th’ 7th o’ May 2017

All th’ Pirates from around the globe are called fer a day o’ fun ‘n merriment.

Come dressed in only yer best Pirate gear and brin’ yer wenches too.

A picnic best be packed wit’ meals ‘n merriment t’ enjoy th’ day.

All Pirates should gather fer festivities from 11.00am.

Thar will be competitions ‘n prizes fer sure like best decorated Skis ‘n best dressed Pirates ‘n best dressed pirates wenches.

Anyone wantin’ t’ sponsor th’ pirates should message us wit’ thar offer

th’ wretched Jet Ski TV will be filmin’ th’ day so brin’ only yer best Pirate attire

Any plain clothed scallywags will be walkin’ th’ plank

Speak up below if ye be game t’ attend

All Pirates will be in the running for prizes for best outfits, best decorated Skis etc!
Prizes from jetSki TV, JetSki.XXX, and Shoreline YAMAHA
See all of the FUN, Photos and Prizes from the day on Jet Ski Club 



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